Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Hair Aspirations

Hey yall,

Im back with a few of my 2011 hair aspiration for this new year. This list entails things I would like to try or accomplish in this new year. 2010 and prior I believe has been all a looong drawn out trial and error stage that Im looking to get away from (so to speak), and get some concrete things established about me and this hair journey Im on.

This biggest thing I need to work on in having CONFIDENCE to rock my hair out and about. This part has been abit tricky being that I havent found any styling options that I feel confident enough to attempt at styling that wont comprimise my goals at retaining length. Right now with my hair being in the MAA(Medium Amazing Afro) stage my only styling options (that I know about) are either afros (accessorized), twistouts, or twist.
Also my concern with these styles it that it will require daily maintnance, and manipulation that could cause breakage. Also, I read that wearing afros out alot isnt good top the tangles and knots that are prone to this hair style. I'M OPEN TO ANY FEED BACK ON MY CONCERNS. On the sites that I frequent I havent ran across to many that are in the length stage Im in so, I havent saw any inspiring hair styles (other than sisterlocks). BUT I'M ON THE LOOKOUT!!!!

I have been eyeing a product line by a popular Youtuber(BlackOnyx77) Alikay Products that I think I want to give a try in this new year to help me establish a regimen, and put a stop to this guessing game for products. I havent made the leap before now because I have been looking for product reviews on this line outside of youtube. If ANYONE READING has any info/knowledge they wish to share I would really appreciate it.  Alikay products seems to have all the properties a natural girl should be looking for.
Your thoughts?

3rd-Internal Health (COLONIC)
Its been said that your hair, skin, and nail health only reflects the inner health of your body. Before I used to think that extra water and supplements was all I needed. But after of yrs of having a on again off again seesaw ride with supplements like MSM, Biotin, Vit E, B12, Prenatals, Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins (jus to name a few) I figured this year I will do things differently. Starting with and internal cleanse. I have been looking into doing a colonic for the past 6mths or so, but have failed to follow through. This year, my husband and I will be scheduling colonic appointments to make an internal "fresh start".
Ive read alot of positive reviews on them, and think I will have a better outcome as far as absorption with my vitamins, and have clearer skin to boot. I will keep you guys updated on how that turns out.

This whole hair health journey can be a bit overwhelming at times, so I plan to remain mindful of doing everything in balance by keep my regimen in check. Moderation is the key!!!! Too much of anything is never good, so I dont plan to add any far-fetched ideas I may come across to my developing regimen. I will keep my vitamins at a minimum (Prenatals,and B12) thinking about adding Biotin, but I will see. Will make sure I start back working out like I used to before I became a mother and wife. Thats something that I really miss doing for ME, and  will give me a chance to release the daily tension, and stresses of everyday life. I was never a 5 day a week workout person and I dont plan to be. My goal is at minimum 2x a wk.  3 at the most. Nothing outrageous, but attainable.

I can be very critical of myself at times especially hairwise, but this year Im planning to relax and just enjoy this process as I get comfortable with my natural hair journey and all that entails. Im looking forward to my number of followers increasing and learning and sharing with one another, but most of all providing the SUPPORT we all need in this journey. Im aware we all are at different levels, so our struggles will differ as well. But what we do share is the commonality of making this natural hair journey we are on a way of life and adjusting our perceptions of beauty. Its easy to say just do you and everything else will follow. for those who are there is was a process for them as well.

Thats my topic 5 things Im inspiring to accomplish the year. I love blogging so I have these pages to look back on and keep my butt on track. I told your yesterday Im IMPATIENT!! Lol....

                         HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY GROWING TOO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the note you left on my site. Now I can also follow you and learn from you. BTW, I am taking the Andrew Lessman Hair Vitamins and a regular one a day with that. My burnt out hairline seems to be growing in and I see alot of improvement. I have been taking them for about 2 months now.
